The monthly traffic feature is generally identified as information transfer or bandwidth as well, still all of the abovementioned terms refer to the very same thing - how much data can be transferred to and from a cloud website hosting account. The site traffic can be produced in two ways, the more visible one being site visits. When someone opens your site, their browser requests and downloads the web pages from your website hosting server then shows them on their end. The more visitors you have, the more outbound traffic is generated from your website hosting account. Due to the fact that this particular characteristic contains the entire traffic, not only the site visits, you should not forget that inward traffic is measured too. Which means site content along with other files that you upload to your account with a file manager or an FTP software are measured towards your account allowance. Your transfer is usually checked per month and the counter resets on the first day of each and every month irrespective of your actual registration date.
Monthly Traffic in Cloud Website Hosting
All of our cloud website hosting were created with the concept to handle the traffic produced by any site that can exist in such an account. In case you have one or a couple of small or medium-sized websites, you won't be limited by the monthly website traffic allowance irrespective of what content you have - plain text or perhaps numerous images, for example. The stats in the hosting Control Panel will give you detailed details about the site traffic generated by each and every site along with the total amount for your account altogether. The figures are updated live and indicate both the everyday and the monthly usage, so that you will be aware of how much info is transferred to and from the website hosting account at any time. Day one of each month your counter is reset, but you'll still be able to view the web site traffic statistics for the previous months, which will give you an idea how your websites perform.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our semi-dedicated server packages are very powerful so you can run a lot of websites from just a single account. The monthly traffic feature matches that power, therefore what you will have is a web hosting account with truly unrestricted information transfer. As a result, your web sites can grow as much as it's possible with this kind of website hosting and you can have as many visitors as you would like. For more effective website and account administration, you will be able to see what amount of site traffic each of your sites produces, but we won't put a limit. For your convenience, you will be able to see hourly, daily and monthly statistics as well as the particular pages that are visited the most, or files that are downloaded the most. With our semi-dedicated hosting plans, you'll never worry about hitting any traffic limit and you are able to focus on developing your sites and receiving more visitors.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers
The monthly traffic quota that you will get using our Linux VPS hosting plans is sufficient for almost any type of web site and it is proportionate to the remainder of the system resources that come with every package. By using a more powerful server, you'll be able to operate numerous websites or a few popular sites, which means that the traffic allocation for the higher packages is also increased. When you choose a low-end VPS package, you're able to update whenever you want with just a few clicks via your billing Control Panel and the supplementary resources will be added to your present account, together with the extra site visitors quota. The VPS accounts come with a server management panel where you'll be able to view the used and remaining site traffic for the current month as well as all the other system resources. We also send notifications when you get to 90% of the limit, so you will have enough time to react and upgrade if you find it necessary.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
The Linux dedicated servers that we provide come with large traffic allowances that are sufficient for almost any website, even a video streaming portal or a popular online community. Terabytes of traffic will be available to you every month and the administration panel that is included with each and every dedicated server will give you information how much info has been transferred already and what amount is available for the present month. In order to avoid service disruptions, we will let you know when you reach 90% of your quota and you can either lower the traffic generated by your websites by optimizing their data, or you'll be able to increase the quota for your account. It is extremely unlikely that you'll ever need such an enhancement, yet we chose to leave this option open. The statistics in that panel feature the full site traffic, in contrast to the data inside your hosting Control Panel where you will find only the traffic from web sites, but not from server-side software downloads and / or updates.