An error log is a collection of information that includes all the errors and warnings experienced by the visitors on your websites. Numerous examples of what you could find in this sort of a log are: broken links that lead to non-existing files, pages that were not processed the right way by the web server, which caused an error/warning message for the website visitor, and attempts from unauthorized IP addresses to reach the Internet site or its admin area. Every entry inside the error log offers the exact time and date the event took place, the visitor’s IP, the specific directory path inside the hosting account to the Internet site or file which had a difficulty and the root cause for the error to appear to start with. Reviewing an error log will enable you to discover and fix problems on your Internet site, which could raise the overall performance of the website and the users’ experience.
Error Log Viewer in Cloud Website Hosting
The Hepsia CP, offered with our cloud website hosting accounts, shall make it very simple to generate and check out an error log for any Internet site that you have in your account. When you log in, you have to go to the Access/Error Logs section and click on the On/Off button for the website that you want to monitor. The button is available for every domain name that you have hosted and each subdomain that you have set up, so you can get an in depth log for each of them separately, in order to be able to monitor the websites for problems easier. A second click on the same exact button will deactivate the function, but you will still be able to get the log by clicking on the Download link, that is available in the same section. If needed, you can use software on your computer to process the raw hosting server info for statistical purposes.
Error Log Viewer in Semi-dedicated Servers
The error log generation is a function that may be activated with simply a click with any of the semi-dedicated server packages which we provide. This can be done using the Access/Error Logs section of the in-house made Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, which we shall provide you with to manage your account. When you go there, you'll see each domain name and subdomain which you have hosted/created in the account listed in alphabetical order. Initiating the error logs can be done independently for each one of them by pressing the On button, which is situated on the right-hand side. By simply clicking the Off button, you can deactivate the log generation if, for instance, you have fixed the problems on the site or you have relocated it elsewhere. Additionally you can download every one of the logs with just a mouse click and if you have the required software on your personal computer, you could process them and get easy-to-read graphs and charts that'll enable you to spot the most common issues on the Internet site.