Q: What does the web site migration service entail? Will my site be safe?

A: The website migration service offered by gTech is totally free of cost and involves moving all your website files, databases and e–mails from your present web hosting provider to your brand new web hosting account with us. We will also update all the configuration settings necessary for your websites to be fully operational on our innovative cloud hosting platform.Our technicians are fully capable of transferring any sort of site. With years of practical experience behind their backs, they’re experts in the inner workings of our hosting platform, our Control Panel as well as all other well–known Control Panels. For them, transferring a custom–built web app with a lot of custom libraries is as easy as moving a simple WordPress weblog.

Q: What does the web site migration service entail? Will my site be safe?
Q: How much time will the web site migration procedure take?

A: While we can’t give you an exact time interval, because there are lots of variables, among them the physical size of the files and databases, the physical location of the present host’s server, the complexity of your website and the present workload of our Website Migration Department, etc., we’ll give our best to move your web site within 48h, and in certain cases – within 24h (in case the website content is not large).

Q: How much time will the web site migration procedure take?
Q: My personal privacy is important to me. What details do you require?

A: We do not require any sensitive details. We will need, however, the login info for your current web hosting account as well as the name of the website that you would like to migrate.

Q: My personal privacy is important to me. What details do you require?
Q: I give you access to sensitive info. How can I be sure that you won’t abuse it?

A: Client privacy is among our chief responsibilities – because of this, both our payment transaction page and our CP login page are protected with enterprise–grade SSLs. We use safety measures, which include, but are not limited to: physical, digital and managerial methods to secure the data that we accumulate on the Internet. And we’ve got a detailed and rigorous Privacy Policy, which outlines the types of information that we collect.

Q: I give you access to sensitive info. How can I be sure that you won’t abuse it?
Q: Will my web site be unavailable during the transfer?

A: Your website will work just like it did before with your old web hosting provider. Once we are through with the transfer, your web site will be configured to work on our platform and we’ll alert you to preview it. If everything is functioning properly, all you will need to do is modify the NS resource records pertaining to your domain. Your website will be transferred to us without any downtime whatsoever.

Q: Will my web site be unavailable during the transfer?
Q: Will my old web hosting provider need to provide any information/assistance?

A: While we transfer your website content, your hosting provider won’t be aware of the transfer at all. We won’t contact them in any way.

Q: Will my old web hosting provider need to provide any information/assistance?
Q: Does it matter what platform my present provider is using?

A: Yup. We support all common Linux–powered web hosting platforms. We do not support Windows–powered web hosting platforms, because we don’t offer Windows hosting solutions ourselves.Additionally, we do not support proprietary web site creation and administration tools like Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square, Mr Site, etc.

Q: Does it matter what platform my present provider is using?